Control-Z Gate Sequence


In this tutorial we show how to prepare the pulse sequence that generates a Controlled - Z gate. We will prepare our state with atoms in any of the “digital” states that we shall call \(|g\rangle\) and \(|h \rangle\) ( for “ground” and “hyperfine”, respectively). Then we will use the Rydberg blockade effect to create the logic gate. The levels that each atom can take are the following:


We will be using NumPy and Matplotlib for calculations and plots. Many additional details about the CZ gate construction can be found in 1111.6083v2

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import qutip
from itertools import product

We import the following Classes from Pulser:

from pulser import Pulse, Sequence, Register
from pulser.devices import DigitalAnalogDevice
from pulser_simulation import QutipEmulator
from pulser.waveforms import BlackmanWaveform, ConstantWaveform

1. Loading the Register on a Device

Defining an atom register can simply be done by choosing one of the predetermined shapes included in the Register class. We can also construct a dictionary with specific labels for each atom. The atoms must lie inside the Rydberg blockade radius \(R_b\), which we will characterize by

\[\hbar \Omega^{\text{Max}}_{\text{Rabi}} \sim U_{ij} = \frac{C_6}{R_{b}^6},\]

where the coefficient \(C_6\) determines the strength of the interaction (\(C_6/\hbar \approx 5008\) GHz.\(\mu m^6\)). We can obtain the corresponding Rydberg blockade radius from a given \(\Omega_{\text{Rabi}}^{\text{max}}\) using the rydberg_blockade_radius() method from DigitalAnalogDevice. For the pulses in this tutorial, \(\Omega^{\text{Max}}_{\text{Rabi}}\) is below \(2\pi \times 10\) Mhz so:

Rabi = np.linspace(1, 10, 10)
R_blockade = [
    DigitalAnalogDevice.rydberg_blockade_radius(2.0 * np.pi * rabi)
    for rabi in Rabi

plt.plot(Rabi, R_blockade, "--o")
plt.xlabel(r"$\Omega/(2\pi)$ [MHz]", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel(r"$R_b$ [$\mu\.m$]", fontsize=14)

Thus, we place our atoms at relative distances below \(5\) µm, therefore ensuring we are inside the Rydberg blockade volume.

# Atom Register and Device
q_dict = {
    "control": np.array([-2, 0.0]),
    "target": np.array([2, 0.0]),
reg = Register(q_dict)

2. State Preparation

The first part of our sequence will correspond to preparing the different states on which the CZ gate will act. For this, we define the following Pulse instances that correspond to \(\pi\) and \(2\pi\) pulses (notice that the area can be easily fixed using the predefined BlackmanWaveform):

Let us construct a function that takes the label string (or “id”) of a state and turns it into a ket state. This ket can be in any of the “digital” (ground-hyperfine levels), “ground-rydberg” or “all” levels. We also include a three-atom system case, which will be useful in the CCZ gate in the last section.

def build_state_from_id(s_id, basis_name):
    if len(s_id) not in {2, 3}:
        raise ValueError("Not a valid state ID string")

    ids = {"digital": "gh", "ground-rydberg": "rg", "all": "rgh"}
    if basis_name not in ids:
        raise ValueError("Not a valid basis")

    pool = {"".join(x) for x in product(ids[basis_name], repeat=len(s_id))}
    if s_id not in pool:
        raise ValueError("Not a valid state id for the given basis.")

    ket = {
        op: qutip.basis(len(ids[basis_name]), i)
        for i, op in enumerate(ids[basis_name])
    if len(s_id) == 3:
        # Recall that s_id = 'C1'+'C2'+'T' while in the register reg_id = 'C1'+'T'+'C2'.
        reg_id = s_id[0] + s_id[2] + s_id[1]
        return qutip.tensor([ket[x] for x in reg_id])
        return qutip.tensor([ket[x] for x in s_id])

We try this out:

build_state_from_id("hg", "digital")
Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2], [1, 1]], shape = (4, 1), type = ket $ \\ \left(\begin{matrix}0.0\\0.0\\1.0\\0.0\\\end{matrix}\right)$

Let’s now write the state preparation sequence. We will also create the prepared state to be able to calculate its overlap during the simulation. First, let us define a π-pulse along the Y axis that will excite the atoms to the hyperfine state if requested:

duration = 300
pi_Y = Pulse.ConstantDetuning(
    BlackmanWaveform(duration, np.pi), 0.0, -np.pi / 2

The sequence preparation itself acts with the Raman channel if the desired initial state has atoms in the hyperfine level. We have also expanded it for the case of a CCZ in order to use it below:

def preparation_sequence(state_id, reg):
    global seq

    if not set(state_id) <= {"g", "h"} or len(state_id) != len(reg.qubits):
        raise ValueError("Not a valid state ID")

    if len(reg.qubits) == 2:
        seq_dict = {"1": "target", "0": "control"}
    elif len(reg.qubits) == 3:
        seq_dict = {"2": "target", "1": "control2", "0": "control1"}

    seq = Sequence(reg, DigitalAnalogDevice)
    if set(state_id) == {"g"}:
        basis = "ground-rydberg"
            f"Warning: {state_id} state does not require a preparation sequence."
        basis = "all"
        for k in range(len(reg.qubits)):
            if state_id[k] == "h":
                if "raman" not in seq.declared_channels:
                        "raman", "raman_local", seq_dict[str(k)]
          [str(k)], "raman")
                seq.add(pi_Y, "raman")

    prep_state = build_state_from_id(
        state_id, basis
    )  # Raises error if not a valid `state_id` for the register

    return prep_state

Let’s test this sequence. Notice that the state “gg” (both atoms in the ground state) is automatically fed to the Register so a pulse sequence is not needed to prepare it.

# Define sequence and Set channels
prep_state = preparation_sequence("hh", reg)

3. Constructing the Gate Sequence

We apply the common \(\pi-2\pi-\pi\) sequence for the CZ gate

pi_pulse = Pulse.ConstantDetuning(BlackmanWaveform(duration, np.pi), 0.0, 0)
twopi_pulse = Pulse.ConstantDetuning(
    BlackmanWaveform(duration, 2 * np.pi), 0.0, 0
def CZ_sequence(initial_id):
    # Prepare State
    prep_state = preparation_sequence(initial_id, reg)
    prep_time = max(
        (seq._last(ch).tf for ch in seq.declared_channels), default=0

    # Declare Rydberg channel
    seq.declare_channel("ryd", "rydberg_local", "control")

    # Write CZ sequence:
        pi_pulse, "ryd", "wait-for-all"
    )  # Wait for state preparation to finish."target", "ryd")  # Changes to target qubit
    seq.add(twopi_pulse, "ryd")"control", "ryd")  # Changes back to control qubit
    seq.add(pi_pulse, "ryd")

    return prep_state, prep_time
prep_state, prep_time = CZ_sequence(
)  # constructs seq, prep_state and prep_time
print(f"Prepared state: {prep_state}")
print(f"Preparation time: {prep_time}ns")
Prepared state: Quantum object: dims = [[3, 3], [1, 1]], shape = (9, 1), type = ket
Qobj data =
Preparation time: 300ns

4. Simulating the CZ sequence

CZ = {}
for state_id in {"gg", "hg", "gh", "hh"}:
    # Get CZ sequence
    prep_state, prep_time = CZ_sequence(
    )  # constructs seq, prep_state and prep_time

    # Construct Simulation instance
    simul = QutipEmulator.from_sequence(seq)
    res =

    data = [st.overlap(prep_state) for st in res.states]

    final_st = res.states[-1]
    CZ[state_id] = final_st.overlap(prep_state)

    plt.xlabel(r"Time [ns]")
    plt.ylabel(rf"$ \langle\,{state_id} |\, \psi(t)\rangle$")
    plt.axvspan(0, prep_time, alpha=0.06, color="royalblue")
    plt.title(rf"Action of gate on state $|${state_id}$\rangle$")
Warning: gg state does not require a preparation sequence.
{'gh': (-0.9999999997360645+1.8369701982361876e-16j),
 'gg': (-0.9990727842456572+0.043053126561342484j),
 'hh': (0.9999999998944231-3.673940397054176e-16j),
 'hg': (-0.9999999998457089+1.8369701984375989e-16j)}

5. CCZ Gate

The same principle can be applied for composite gates. As an application, let us construct the CCZ gate, which determines the phase depending on the level of two control atoms. We begin by reconstructing the Register:

# Atom Register and Device
q_dict = {
    "control1": np.array([-2.0, 0.0]),
    "target": np.array([0.0, 2 * np.sqrt(3.001)]),
    "control2": np.array([2.0, 0.0]),
reg = Register(q_dict)
preparation_sequence("hhh", reg)
def CCZ_sequence(initial_id):
    # Prepare State
    prep_state = preparation_sequence(initial_id, reg)
    prep_time = max(
        (seq._last(ch).tf for ch in seq.declared_channels), default=0

    # Declare Rydberg channel
    seq.declare_channel("ryd", "rydberg_local", "control1")

    # Write CCZ sequence:
        pi_pulse, "ryd", protocol="wait-for-all"
    )  # Wait for state preparation to finish."control2", "ryd")
    seq.add(pi_pulse, "ryd")"target", "ryd")
    seq.add(twopi_pulse, "ryd")"control2", "ryd")
    seq.add(pi_pulse, "ryd")"control1", "ryd")
    seq.add(pi_pulse, "ryd")

    return prep_state, prep_time
CCZ = {}
for state_id in {"".join(x) for x in product("gh", repeat=3)}:
    # Get CCZ sequence
    prep_state, prep_time = CCZ_sequence(state_id)

    # Construct Simulation instance
    simul = QutipEmulator.from_sequence(seq)

    res =

    data = [st.overlap(prep_state) for st in res.states]
    final_st = res.states[-1]
    CCZ[state_id] = final_st.overlap(prep_state)

    plt.xlabel(r"Time [ns]")
    plt.ylabel(rf"$ \langle\,{state_id} | \psi(t)\rangle$")
    plt.axvspan(0, prep_time, alpha=0.06, color="royalblue")
    plt.title(rf"Action of gate on state $|${state_id}$\rangle$")
Warning: ggg state does not require a preparation sequence.
{'hgg': (-0.9990713757542129+0.04308578836890856j),
 'hhh': (0.9999999999508816-5.510910595892429e-16j),
 'ggh': (-0.9997680593562543+0.02153665345193934j),
 'hgh': (-0.9999999965674686+3.673940384831154e-16j),
 'ghh': (-0.9999999999509961+3.6739403972620576e-16j),
 'ggg': (-0.9979117983013187+0.06459135208264426j),
 'ghg': (-0.999071360656915+0.04308614932317468j),
 'hhg': (-0.9999999998988764+3.6739403970705315e-16j)}

Our results are as expected: only the \(|hhh\rangle\) state (which corresponds to a \(111\) digital state) gets its phase flipped in sign